Friday, July 20, 2012

Sharing a Table

I'm heading to the RWA conference next week and I'll be participating in the big literary booksigning.  This year instead of seating author's alphabetically they have assigned tables.  I'll be at table #203 and I'll be sharing it with Erica Hayes, Joyce Henderson, Imogen Howsen, Julia London, and Tawny Weber.

Book Signings - Anaheim, CA
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
We will be at the Romance Writers of America's Readers for
Life Literacy
Autographing Event.
Time: 5:00-8:00pm
Place: Anaheim ConventionCenter
Besides the authors at my table there will be hundreds of authors there.
But you can find us at table #203.
We hope you'll stop by and say hello


  1. That's a GOOD table to share! Have an awesome trip Molly!

    1. Thanks Kym! I passed around your carving at the meeting yesterday, and everyone was so impressed with your talent!
